
Teachable Moments with the Kelly Kettle

A friend of mine says guys who like to smoke pipes do so simply for the pleasure of lighting and maintaining a small fire in their hand. The irresistible appeal of fire is probably one of the reasons some people like camping too. What is it about fire that it draws people like moths to a flame?

Fantasy Camping: Tree houses, trains, covered wagons and tipis

It’s pretty hard to get better than camping. But, imagine what your kids would say if you told them you were spending the night in a real covered wagon, like the ones the pioneers used more than a century ago. Or, in a tree house. Paul Bambei, president and CEO of the National Association of RV Parks and Campgrounds, which hosts helped us find some of the neatest places your family can camp.

Guest Post: Teaching Kids to Enjoy Hiking

How do you teach your kids to enjoy hiking? Jeff Alt is passionate about hiking. His son was taken on his first hike at eight weeks and Jeff speaks and writes about hiking every day. We asked him for tips on getting our kids off the couch.