Travel By State

Milwaukee Family Friendly Fun

Sclemeel, schlemazel, hasenfeffer incorporated! Who out there doesn’t think of Milwaukee, Wisconsin and start humming tunes from Happy Days in their heads? Happy Days was primarily filmed in a brewery and a restaurant (with the greasy hair that made The Fonz, The Fonz!), and Milwaukee is still known for it’s brew and brat. Stoop down to about three feet tall, and you’ll be amazed to find Milwaukee has oh so much more!

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Paso Robles, California for Families

List everything you really want in a spring vacation. The destination should be easy to get to, have something for everyone to enjoy (even if your kids range in age from 2-15), sun and affordable prices. A road trip to Paso Robles, California, is the perfect solution.

Three Days of Space, Aviation, and Aeronautics in Ohio

It was 40 years ago that someone from earth first set foot on another planet. We spent only about 2 1/2 hours on that planet (please don’t ask me what planet it was!!), but but they changed history forever. Our children have grown up with space travel as part of their lives. And, they should look back at how it began.