Our National Parks – There’s More Than You Think

When folks think of national parks, images of Yellowstone (or Jellystone, for that matter) and Yosemite come quickly to mind. These are the quintessential parks, offering campgrounds, trails for hiking, stunning roadside scenery, and places to unload your picnic basket. (Ain’t that right, Boo Boo?) But the National Park Service oversees many different kinds of sites—from National Monuments to National Seashores.

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Yosemite National Park Itinerary

Nestled deep in the heart of California’s Sierra Nevada Mountains, Yosemite National Park is one of America’s most spectacular sights. Its alpine scenery is bursting with superlatives: the highest waterfall in North America (Yosemite Falls), the most famous vertical rock face in the world (El Capitan), and the largest organisms of all time (giant sequoia trees). But no statistic can ever capture the park’s staggering beauty.

Camp Cooking: Going Dutch!

One of the biggest jobs associated with camping as a family is keeping everyone fed. Hot dogs over the fire are easy enough, and a variety pack of those little cereal boxes make breakfast as easy as pulling a jug of milk from the cooler. But go the extra mile with one or two meals and camping becomes an outing everyone looks forward to, and cooking can keep everyone involved.